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Let´s save AFRICA´s young girls from the clutches of Evil-doers... by Mariana DAngelo


Female mutilations are being preformed door to door as the rest of the planet looks on.

I pray for God's protection and that the evil-doers never reach our doors, and that we raise loudly our criticism with passion, to stop this scourge that for me is a terrible failure of the world in protecting the human rights of these girls in Africa or any other country that dares to reduce the value of humanity and our divine laws of existence.

I feel that any violation of human rights to any one of us should be investigated and stopped before there becomes one more of these social crimes that already exist and that are committed every day around the world. NOT Condemning abuse, and the ravaging of dignity to any living human or animal, is one of the biggest aberrations that will take its toll on us.

Why is it we are ashamed to see so many corpses and genocides perpetrated by very diabolical people in this world for centuries, and we still doing little to almost nothing to save the lives and dignity of these thousands of girls who are mutilated every year and who are still alive and that we can save and help them to become proud young members of a Nation like AFRICA that needs girls with the capacity to love, dream and prosper.

I pray that there are internal institutions within Africa that are doing everything possible to exterminate this crime committed against women of all ages in Africa, here I want to say that we must make a greater effort globally to stop this abomination.

As a global community together we must look for different tools of hope and reality, to help this great young potential of humanity to orchestrate good opportunities and solutions. For these women and their families, that want nothing more than to live in peace, happiness, joy and most importantly safety, and with a purpose to wake up every morning to live a full of a dignified life to which we all should all be accustomed to as human beings.

Let us take advantage of these days of confinement at home and try to experience a little nature and some fresh air, during this Memorial Day weekend and the days to come.

I would like to take this time to pay respect to this Memorial Day in the United States of America. I have spent a great deal of time in the USA and would like to say Thank You to all the men, women and families, who dedicated their time, missing their spouses and children, serving their country, giving their priceless lives for freedom, fabric of country, safety and to make good a priority in the world.

God Bless you all !!

We have already experienced the devastation of this invisible Beast COVID 19, and that it is still terrorizing the rest of the World. This teaches us about the real size of this Planet, and as it becomes smaller, it will be even more infernal if we don´t learn to defend the right of those who cannot do it,for themselves.

The positive result in this battle will save us all and free us from an unwanted ending. An outcome, which we would have never dreamed of to live and that would leave us marred and frustrated for doing nothing in our best interest. Let us not allow all the bad memories about being in confinement to make us go back and continue down that wrong path, of selfishness. We must first see to the needs of our neighbors and with that we will all be able to live our best health and safety as a continent continues to be destroyed. No peace can be achieve anywhere, much less prosperity and health on this planet created by a God full of Love, goodness. and kindness, if this or other crimes against human beings are committed in the world. While there is a hungry, dying or a girl recovering from genital mutilation, the entire planet will have to live in fear of suffering from the same kinds of social mutilation and locked under steel castles that will collapse sooner or later by other invisible enemies. Joining campaigns in favor of a dignified life full of respect and opportunities for all, will make us rest peaceful every night when we observe our loved ones from a photo, in person and in memory.

Something that is Impossible to believe, and true like heaven itself. by, Mariana DAngelo,

According to reliable sources, as well as reports well verified by our research team led by Mariana DAngelo CEO and Fouunder

As we continue to struggle to eradicate a pandemic from our lives that can cause death, and at the same time, there is a crisis of another kind that grows and attacks girls in Africa. This despicable

crime is growing, and could leave more than 2 million girls mutilated in the next ten years. repulsively girls are being killed while leaving others marked, permanently destroyed and alive with their own bloody memory knowing they will not be able to give life past their own. I am Mariana DAngelo CEO and Founder Because the well-being of children throughout the world is my biggest concern, i hope i can get this to the surface and make their future every ones passion.

CASE OF FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION "DOOR TO DOOR" INCREASES IN SOMALIA DURING CONFINEMENT.... According to the United Nations Population Fund, COVID-19 could have a major impact on the work to end female genital mutilation, with a possible increase of 2 million cases that will occur during the next decade and want to do every thing they can to prevent it. Confinement measures to curb the COVID-19 pandemic are causing an increase in female genital mutilation in Somalia, where many girls are being subjected to this practice in their homes,

alerts Plan International, a children's rights and girls equality organization.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) includes the partial or total excision of the female genital organs or any other injury to them for non-medical reasons ... FGM is a violation of the human rights of women and girls.

Written by Mariana DAngelo / CEO and Founder / Pablo Marin Mambie International Executive Director in London - Europe The Global News Today by #MarianaDAngelo #MiddleEast #TheGlobalNewsToday #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden #MikePompeo #Australia #Europe #AMERICA #ASIA #AFRICA #OCEANIA #ANTARCTICA #TheGlobalNewsToday JESUS ​​OF NAZARETH IS GOD! #NewspaperAMERICA #PeriodicoAmericaAmericaNewspaper #RevistaAMERICA #AMERICAMagazine #LasCostasdeOro #Press #Press #News #News #Newspapers #Newspapers #Mediaset #UltimaNoticias #BreakingNews


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Mariana DAngelo

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