The Mexicans are the least become U.S. citizens
Study: Legal Mexican immigrants become U.S. citizens at a lower rate than others; Only about a third of the 5.4 million Mexican...
Global Concern: "Coronavirus"
I pray that this year we all run to the feet of Jesus of Nazareth for that bath of peace, joy, love and health. Even if you think you are a Sinner or a Saint, Straight or Gay. Please run to receive blessings at the feet of my beloved Jesus. He belongs to us all. NOT TO MEN,ONLY TO GOD
The Global News Today by Mariana DAngelo CEO & Founder - European Director Pablo J. Marin
10/26/2022 09:03 AM EDT
Ned Price, Department Spokesperson
On October 26, we commemorate Intersex Awareness Day and honor the many contributions intersex voices have made in the global struggle for inclusion, equality, and dignity for all. The Department of State is committed to promoting and protecting the human rights of all individuals, including intersex persons, who often face discrimination, harmful medical practices, violence, and social stigma solely based on their sex characteristics.
The Department has made it a priority to include intersex voices and perspectives in U.S. diplomacy and foreign assistance. This spring, the Department established a historic precedent, offering the X gender marker on U.S. passport application forms, which paves the way for intersex, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming persons to mark unspecified or other gender. And today, we are announcing that Kimberly Zieselman, a respected intersex expert and advocate, has joined the office of the U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons.
As Secretary Blinken told heads of government and foreign ministers at the United Nations LGBTI Core Group last month, “intersex people, including minors, continue to be subjected to unnecessary surgeries without their consent,” underscoring the important responsibility of governments to ensure LGBTQI+ persons across the globe are able to enjoy the same rights and protections as all other persons. In the President’s 2021 Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons Around the World, he stated that it is the policy of the United States to pursue an end to violence and discrimination on the bases of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and sex characteristics. The United States stands in solidarity with intersex persons, honoring the advocacy of activists, organizations, and governments, and remains steadfast in its commitment to promoting and protecting the dignity and human rights of intersex persons around the world.
International Religious Freedom Day
10/27/2022 01:26 PM EDT
Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State
The United States joins the international community in marking the 24th occasion of International Religious Freedom Day. Freedom of religion or belief is a founding principle of our nation, enshrined in our Constitution. Americans cherish the right to worship, or not worship, as they see fit. The International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 further codified this fundamental right in U.S. law. Each year on October 27, we renew our focus on a human right that must never be taken for granted. We commit to redoubling our efforts to see that everyone everywhere can enjoy this human right as we do.
The U.S. government partners with civil society and governments in advocacy for religious freedom. These vital partners include the members of the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance, now numbering 42 countries – all committed to confronting violations of religious freedom around the world. Many governments and societies continue to target religious communities using unacceptable tools such as blasphemy and apostasy laws, criminalizing forms of speech and expression, and arbitrary abuses by authorities. Governments are increasingly imposing excessive and onerous regulation of religion and religious life. Countless faith communities around the world face intense social pressure and discrimination. Our united efforts can shine a light on the worst offenders and abuses of religious freedom, as we seek justice for victims and accountability for perpetrators of abuses or violations of religious freedom.
Today and every day, we must all work together to advance the freedom of religion or belief everywhere.
The European - El Europeo by Mariana DAngelo / Periodico AMERICA Newspaper By Mariana DAngelo
Pedro Sánchez expresses his firm determination to strengthen relations between Spain and South Africa at all levels
The Government of Spain attaches strategic importance to relations with South Africa. Not only economically -due to the opportunities it offers for investment by Spanish companies-, but also politically, due to the key role played by South Africa as a consolidated democracy that exports stability to the entire region.
In this regard, and with a view to supporting industrial investment projects, exports and accompanying Spanish companies with a presence in South Africa, President Sánchez has announced the availability of a powerful financial package of up to a maximum of 2,115 million euros over the next five years , through the different Spanish public financial instruments.
Pedro Sánchez - the first President of the Government to officially visit South Africa - was accompanied by the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, and by a prominent delegation of representatives of Spanish companies.
The two countries have adopted a Joint Declaration, focused on shared values, the defense of the international order based on rules and the commitment to regional agreement. Likewise, four Memoranda of Understanding have been signed: three on industry 4.0, national libraries and sports; and a fourth between COFIDES and IDC, to strengthen their cooperation.
Pretoria (South Africa), October 27, 2022.- The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the President of the Republic of South Africa, Ciryl Ramaphosa, held a meeting today, within the framework of the tour of Africa that Sánchez began in Kenya and which has concluded in South Africa, with an international context where the EU has recently underlined the need to intensify relations between Europe and Africa.
AMERICA Magazine - Revista by Mariana DAngelo 2017- 2022
pecial Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry’s Travel to Switzerland, Italy, and France
09/28/2021 02:49 PM EDT
Office of the Spokesperson
Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry will travel to Geneva, Switzerland; Milan, Italy; and Paris, France from September 29 to October 6, 2021, to engage with counterparts on efforts to address the climate crisis and raise global climate ambition ahead of the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which will be held October 31 to November 12, 2021, in Glasgow, United Kingdom.
In Geneva, on September 29, Secretary Kerry will meet with business leaders to discuss the role of the private sector in scaling innovative clean technologies and tackling the climate crisis.
In Milan, from September 30 to October 2, Secretary Kerry will attend the Pre-COP, a preparatory meeting held a month before the Conference of the Parties.
In Paris, from October 3-6, Secretary Kerry will attend a meeting at the Élysée Palace on mobilizing global financial flows to tackle the climate crisis, and will attend the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Ministerial, “Shared Values: Building a Green and Inclusive Future.”
U.S. Humanitarian Assistance for the Palestinians in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Office of the Spokesperson The U.S. government is pleased to announce $15 million in humanitarian assistance for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is providing these funds to address the most urgent, life-saving humanitarian needs in the West Bank and Gaza. With this assistance, USAID is supporting Catholic Relief Services’ COVID-19 response efforts in health care facilities and affected communities throughout the West Bank and Gaza. This assistance is also supporting emergency food assistance programming in communities facing food insecurity, which has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This small step in advancing the well-being of the Palestinian people is fully in keeping with American values. Additionally, to date, the United States has provided an initial $2 billion contribution to Gavi, the global vaccine alliance, to support vaccination for people around the world through the COVAX Advanced Market Commitment. In mid-March, the Palestinian Authority received the first batch of AstraZeneca and Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines through the COVAX AMC. This is part of COVAX’s commitment to provide a total 168,000 AstraZeneca and 37,440 Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine doses for the West Bank and Gaza. Global cooperation is crucial to meet the threats of our time. President Biden is committed to working with our partners on COVID-19, a top national security priority.
U.S. Department of State. This information has recently been updated, and is now available. U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen Lenderking’s Trip to the Middle East 03/25/2021 04:35 PM EDT Office of the Spokesperson U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking will travel back to the Middle East starting on March 25 for meetings with senior government officials in coordination with UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths. U.S. Special Envoy Lenderking’s discussions will focus on joint international efforts to promote a lasting ceasefire and peace agreement in Yemen, along with our efforts to address the country’s dire humanitarian crisis.
The United States Strongly Condemns the Recent Killing of People in Burma, including Children, by the Burmese Military 03/25/2021 12:28 PM EDT Ned Price, Department Spokesperson The United States is shocked and deeply saddened by reports that Burmese security forces continued to use lethal force against the people of Burma last weekend, resulting in the deaths of at least 27 people, including several children. These abhorrent and brutal acts against children, one as young as seven years old who was shot and killed in her home while sitting on her father’s lap, further demonstrate the horrific nature of the Burmese military regime’s assault on its own people and its complete disregard for the lives of the people of Burma. We express our deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of all of the victims and condemn the Burmese security forces’ actions in the strongest terms. The regime cannot govern through terror.
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Mariana Dangelo Editorial Group /Europe
US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken,
U.S. Department of State.
Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State
Today, President Biden signed a Presidential Memorandum directing all U.S. government departments and agencies engaged abroad to ensure that U.S. diplomacy and foreign assistance promote and protect the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) persons around the world.
The struggle to end violence, discrimination, criminalization, and stigma against LGBTQI+ persons is a global challenge that remains central to our commitment to promote human rights and fundamental freedoms for all individuals. In the Biden-Harris administration, the United States will lead by the power of our example and pursue a policy to end violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or sex characteristics. Today’s action by President Biden demonstrates the U.S. government’s firm commitment to advance this goal.
Pursuant to President Biden’s memorandum, the Department of State in coordination with relevant federal agencies will use a broad range of diplomatic and programmatic tools and resources to protect vulnerable LGBTQI+ refugees and asylum seekers; combat criminalization of individuals on the basis of LGBTQI+ status or conduct; ensure that our diplomacy and foreign assistance promote and protect the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons and advance nondiscrimination; and allow swift U.S. responses to human rights violations and abuses of LGBTQI+ persons.
Working with Congress, the State Department is taking the necessary steps to provide $10 million in Fiscal Year 2021 funds for the Global Equality Fund (GEF). The GEF provides emergency assistance to human rights defenders and human rights programming support to grassroots LGBTQI+ organizations to catalyze positive change and draws its strength from the support and partnership of an international coalition of like-minded governments, businesses, and foundations.
Under President Biden’s leadership, the United States will work with like-minded governments and strengthen civil society advocacy to fully support and advance the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons. Our international partners can be assured that advancing human rights for all individuals, with no exception or caveat, is a U.S. foreign policy priority.
Dominican Republic Independence Day 02/27/2021 08:53 AM EST Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, I send congratulations to the people of the Dominican Republic as you celebrate the 177th anniversary of your independence on February 27, 2021. The United States and the Dominican Republic are bound together by extraordinary cultural and economic ties that contribute to the strength of both our countries. We will continue to build upon our long-standing relationship, sharing a deep commitment to democratic governance, transparency, and sustainable economic growth. We continue to stand together amid the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, with our contributions and technical assistance emblematic of our partnership. The United States looks forward to our continued collaboration in these and other endeavors.
Secretary Antony J. Blinken Introductory Remarks for President Biden 02/04/2021 03:58 PM EST Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State Washington, D.C. Ben Franklin Room SECRETARY BLINKEN: Good afternoon. Today I get to say something that brings me tremendous happiness: President Biden, Vice President Harris, welcome to the State Department. For more than two decades, I’ve had the privilege of watching President Biden at work. I’ve seen his commitment to the American people, his expertise in foreign policy, his steadfast belief in diplomacy, and his rock-solid support for our diplomats and development experts. I’ve seen him on the Hill, in the Oval Office, in distant world capitals from Baghdad to Bagram, Paris to Pretoria, and visiting our troops, visiting our diplomats, visiting all the men and women representing this country. And I can say without fear of contradiction that in the history of the presidency, no one has brought as much foreign policy experience to the job as Joe Biden. Wherever he goes, he’s been a champion for American leadership and a defender of American values. And in Kamala Harris he has a Vice President, we have a Vice President, with a long track record of standing up for the security of the American people and an abiding commitment to using diplomacy to advance our interests and defend our values around the world. At this moment of unprecedented global challenge, it’s more important than ever that the United States show up and lead, because the world simply doesn’t organize itself to solve big problems, and the well-being of the American people hangs in the balance. We need diplomacy to get the pandemic under control worldwide, to save American lives and livelihoods. We need diplomacy to address the climate crisis, to protect communities across our country. We need diplomacy to check the rise of authoritarianism, to prevent the spread of dangerous weapons, to shore up democracy, to defend human rights – all of which makes the world more stable and free, and all of which protects the security and prosperity of the American people.
Honoring Boris Nemtsov on the Sixth Anniversary of his Murder 02/27/2021 08:10 AM EST Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State We honor the memory of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, who was shot and killed within sight of the Kremlin’s walls six years ago. As a public servant, Nemtsov dedicated his life to building a free and democratic Russia. As we remember Nemtsov, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to human rights and fundamental freedoms. We remain deeply troubled by the Russian government’s growing intolerance of all forms of independent expression. Those who would speak out in defense of their freedoms and democracy in Russia continue to be targeted for attack and assassination. The Russian people deserve better.
The United States and the United Kingdom are Working Together in the Fight Against Climate Change 03/08/2021 04:12 PM EST Office of the Spokesperson Today in London, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry joined meetings with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng, and President-Designate of the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Alok Sharma. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry and COP26 President-Designate Alok Sharma released the following statement following their meeting. Begin text: We resolved today to work closely together to reduce our own emissions and to rally all countries, and most especially the world’s major economies, to strengthen climate ambition. President Biden’s upcoming Leaders Summit on Climate and the G7 leaders meeting to be hosted by the UK
U.S. Department of State. This information has recently been updated, and is now available. Secretary Antony J. Blinken and Dominican Republic Foreign Minister Roberto Alvarez Before Their Meeting 09/28/2021 12:34 PM EDT Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State Roberto Alvarez, Dominican Republic Foreign Minister Washington, D.C. Benjamin Franklin Room SECRETARY BLINKEN: Well, good morning, everyone. It’s a real pleasure to welcome Foreign Minister Alvarez here to the State Department and to Washington. We have had a chance to spend a fair bit of time together in various meetings and on the phone, but it’s especially good to have him here in person. And I think it’s evidence of the very strong partnership between the United States and the Dominican Republic. We have a diverse, vibrant economy. I think we’re going to talk about, I think, the potential for even more investment and trade. We are extremely appreciative of the leadership that the Dominican Republic continues to show, for example, in combating corruption, really setting a standard for many countries. And of course, we’ll have an opportunity to talk about Haiti and the work that we can do together to help find long-lasting solutions to the challenges that the Haitian people are facing. So Roberto, welcome. It’s very good to have you. Lots to talk about; very glad to have you here. FOREIGN MINISTER ALVAREZ: Well, thank you so very much, Secretary Blinken. It’s a great pleasure to be here with you today, and indeed, the Dominican Republic is a very close partner of the United States and we aim to strengthen our relationship even closer. The Dominican Republic is – has a robust democracy which strongly believes in human rights. And of course, we stand ready to work with the United States in terms of anti-corruption, anti-authoritarianism, and for democracy and human rights. So thank you so much for this opportunity. It’s great to be here. SECRETARY BLINKEN: Thanks. Great to have you. Thank you, everyone.
Secretary Antony J. Blinken And Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sophie Wilmes After Their Meeting 03/25/2021 11:26 AM EDT Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State Brussels, Belgium Egmont Palace FOREIGN MINISTER WILMES: Ladies and gentlemen, dames en heren, mesdames et messieurs, let me first thank the journalists and the media who are following us from a remote location for their understanding regarding the format of this event. We all know that the conditions are not optimal, but unfortunately, the pandemic forces us still to be creative, but we hope that it’s going to be ended up soon. Mr. Secretary, dear Antony, let me reiterate my warm welcome to Belgium, hoping many other visits will follow. Let me also tell you how much I appreciate the discussion that we just had together for an hour. And I understand you had a very intensive couple of days with a lot of bilaterals, multilaterals forum. We also had the opportunity to see each other at the NATO Ministerial meeting the last two days. Let me start with a few words about the Alliance. Both our countries are deeply committed to NATO and its core principle and its shared values. You have engaged positively yesterday with all allies and I welcome this renewed dialogue. Belgium is therefore eager to continue our excellent cooperation with the United States within NATO, of course, but also in the other international fora. More than ever, I do believe that multilateralism is the only possible answer to the major challenges ahead of us. Issues such as climate change or nonproliferation, for example, can only be addressed by joining forces, and we had an exchange on that earlier on as well. Terrorism is another threat that we are facing. The Brussels terrorist attack, of which we just commemorate the fifth anniversary, is a painful reminder of the need to defend together our common and fundamental values. And again and again, I would really want to thank you again for the kind word that you had not only publicly on Twitter, but you did have – had all those kind words when we met in NATO, and we do appreciate that, really. To this end, I will be pleased to co-host with you the next ministerial meeting of the D-ISIS coalition at the end of the month. Today was also the occasion to have an exchange on a range of international issues of common interest. We share the view that defense and democracy and human rights remains at the core of our diplomacy. Belgium and the United States benefit from a deep and longstanding bilateral relationship rooted in history. Our economic relations are also particularly impressive. The U.S. is the first export market for Belgium products outside the European Union, and Belgium also, as such a small country, is also the 12th larger investor in the United States. This shows the vitality of our business community. I therefore really, really look forward to the upcoming Belgium trade mission that we plan in October to the East Coast of the United States. It will be a tremendous opportunity to further strengthen our relations. Dear Antony, Mr. Secretary, I’m looking forward to meet you soon in Washington, D.C., and to further deepen the friendship of – our two country enjoys. The floor is yours. SECRETARY BLINKEN: Thank you so much, and good morning, everyone. And Madam Minister Sophie, thank you for your incredibly warm hospitality, but especially thank you for, I think, a meeting that was very strong evidence of a partnership between our countries bilaterally, multilaterally, that is really going to make a difference in the lives of our citizens. And I have to say that I found from our conversation today, the conversations we had in the context of NATO, a tremendous solidarity between our countries and our approaches to the issues that really matter the most to our citizens. As we look at the challenges we face around the world, there’s one very clear imperative, and that is the need for countries to work together to find new ways to cooperate. Whether it’s climate, whether it’s COVID, whether it’s the challenge of emerging technologies, all of these things that actually have an impact on our people’s lives, not a single one of them can be dealt with effectively by any one country acting alone. There’s a greater premium than at any time since I’ve been involved in these issues on finding ways to work together – again, on a bilateral basis, but also, critically, on a multilateral basis. So I think we very much have the same perspective on how to meet the challenges of our time. I came here very much with one particular focus in mind, and that was to make clear the United States determination to revitalize our alliances and partnerships, to re-engage strongly in them, and to work closely with our allies and partners. For decades, these relationships, rooted in shared values, have provided the foundation for our collective security and prosperity, and we expect they will continue to provide that foundation for many years to come, provided we make the investments in them. As I said yesterday, a fundamental part of any partnership and a basic tenet of the Biden-Harris administration is consulting with our friends early and often, and we do our fair share of talking. It’s vitally important. We also do our fair share of listening. And it was tremendously beneficial for me, both at NATO in conversations with colleagues at the European Union, here today with you, to be listening attentively to the perspectives and ideas that our friends bring to the table. And so Sophie, as you said, we had a very good opportunity now to compare notes and compare approaches on issues that matter to our people, and I think we’re very much in solidarity when it comes to dealing with COVID, when it comes to dealing with climate, when it comes to dealing with what remains of the terrorism challenge. And indeed, we’ll have an opportunity next week to work together on that. Needless to say, we are coming together. We’re meeting at a time when we are facing very profound challenges, which include the devastating impact of this pandemic. But we’re convinced that it is enduring relationships like the one between our countries and like the ones that exist through the European Union and through NATO – these relationships, these partnerships give us the confidence that we can overcome any of these challenges if we do it together. So thank you again, Sophie, for today, but thank you also for the work I know we’re going to be doing together in the months ahead. Thank you. FOREIGN MINISTER WILMES: A pleasure. Thank you very much. Thank you.
Secretary Antony J. Blinken Before Meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres 03/29/2021 02:19 PM EDT Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State Washington, D.C. SECRETARY BLINKEN: Well, Secretary-General Guterres, Antonio, it’s wonderful to be with you even virtually. And Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield, wonderful to see you as well. I think this is our third exchange, Mr. Secretary-General, in the two months that I’ve been Secretary of State, and it reflects a basic reality, which is the United Nations is the anchor of the multilateral system. And that multilateral system is vitally important to the United States. When we think about virtually all of the problems and challenges that are actually going to affect the lives – are affecting the lives – of our citizens, whether it’s COVID-19, whether it’s climate, whether it is the disruption of emerging technologies, not a single one can be dealt with by any one country acting alone, even the United States. We need to find ways to cooperate, to coordinate, to tackle problems together. And of course, the United Nations is where countries come together to work on common challenges. And so we have a profound stake in its success, in engaging in the UN, and that’s exactly what we’re doing. You’ve heard President Biden talk about his commitment to multilateralism. As you’ve noted already, we’ve put that commitment into practice from day one, whether it was rejoining the Paris Climate Accord, re-engaging the World Health Organization, the Human Rights Council, the list goes on. I’ve very much appreciated your own leadership on these issues and in dealing with many of the crises and challenges that we face around the world, from Ethiopia to Burma. We have a broad, broad agenda. I think you’ve got one of the toughest jobs in the world, but we’re grateful that you’re doing it and grateful to have the United Nations as a strong partner in our efforts. So with that, I’m very much looking forward to the conversation today and to trying to cover a lot of ground. I think we’ll let our colleagues from the press leave the room, and then we can get down to work. Thank you.
Greece National Day 03/25/2021 12:01 AM EDT Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, I warmly congratulate the Greek people on the historic bicentennial of their independence. This special year is an occasion to honor our shared commitment to democracy and to celebrate 200 years of friendship between the peoples of the United States and Greece. From the start, our two revolutions were intertwined: America’s founders took inspiration from Athenian democracy, and 45 years after our independence, Philhellenes left home to aid Greek patriots in their cause of self-determination. Today, our shared history continues to bring us together, and the U.S.-Greece relationship is stronger than ever. Greece is a crucial Ally of the United States and leader in efforts to maintain peace, stability, and prosperity in the Eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea, and Western Balkans regions. Together, we are working to keep our Transatlantic Alliance strong and vibrant by enhancing our defense and security cooperation, countering climate change, creating new trade and investment opportunities, expanding technology partnerships, and strengthening our educational and cultural ties. As both of our countries emerge from the tragedies of the pandemic, I look forward to further strengthening and deepening our Alliance in this Greek bicentennial year. On this 200th anniversary of your independence, we stand shoulder to shoulder with Greece, acknowledging all we have accomplished in the past and welcoming the bright future ahead.
The United States Welcomes the Clearance of Four Fuel Ships to Enter Hudaydah Port 03/24/2021 08:02 PM EDT Ned Price, Department Spokesperson The United States welcomes the news that four commercial fuel ships have been cleared to enter Hudaydah port. The free flow of fuel and other essential goods into and throughout Yemen is critical to support the delivery of humanitarian assistance and other essential activities. The United States appreciates this decision by the Republic of Yemen Government. The fuel must go to Yemeni markets without delay to power hospitals, ensure the delivery of food and access to water, and generally help alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people. The movement of these ships is a step in the right direction, but many more steps are needed, particularly an immediate end to the offensive in Marib and a comprehensive ceasefire. We call on all parties to come to the table to negotiate for the sake of Yemen and its people.
U.S. Department of State. This information has recently been updated, and is now available. Strengthening Economies and Shoring Up Infrastructure Development along the U.S.-Mexico Border 03/24/2021 06:06 PM EDT Office of the Spokesperson The U.S. Department of State led a virtual meeting of the Binational Bridges and Border Crossings Group (BBBXG) regional west with Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs on March 24 to recommit to cooperation on binational cross-border infrastructure projects on the California-Arizona section of the southern border. Featuring critical locations such as the San Ysidro (San Diego-Tijuana) and San Luis (Arizona-Sonora) port of entries, whose efficient operations are crucial to the prosperity and security of both countries, the delegations discussed how projects and investments in infrastructure in the California-Arizona border region have set an example of stellar bilateral cooperation and commercial integration. The delegations also discussed efforts to manage stormwater and improve border water quality in the California-Arizona border region. Reaffirming the strength of the U.S.-Mexican relationship on infrastructure integration offers both countries the opportunity to meet today’s economic and security challenges in a cooperative fashion while working to grow new and better jobs that will truly benefit the American people.
Secretary Blinken’s Meeting with European Commission President von der Leyen 03/24/2021 04:00 PM EDT Office of the Spokesperson The below is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price: Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met today with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in Brussels. Secretary Blinken and President von der Leyen discussed the importance of revitalizing U.S.-EU cooperation to manage shared foreign and security policy challenges. Secretary Blinken emphasized the Administration’s desire to work with the Commission to resolve difficult issues and establish an ambitious affirmative agenda on priorities such as COVID-19, climate change, Russia, Iran, China, and others. The two leaders agreed that the U.S.-EU partnership must play a critical role in addressing these pressing issues facing the global community.
The Global News Today by Mariana DAngelo /
Public Schedule October 27, 2022
10/26/2022 09:36 PM EDT
Office of the Spokesperson
Secretary Blinken is on travel to Canada from October 27-28, 2022.
10:30 a.m. Secretary Blinken holds a meet and greet with employees and families from U.S. Mission Canada in Ottawa, Canada.
11:30 a.m. Secretary Blinken visits Cafe Ukraine with Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly in Ottawa, Canada.
12:25 p.m. Secretary Blinken participates in a working lunch with Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly in Ottawa, Canada.
1:35 p.m. Secretary Blinken meets with Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly in Ottawa, Canada.
2:35 p.m. Secretary Blinken holds a joint press availability with Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly in Ottawa, Canada.
4:15 p.m. Secretary Blinken meets with African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki in Ottawa, Canada.
5:05 p.m. Secretary Blinken meets with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Ottawa, Canada.
6:00 p.m. Secretary Blinken has dinner with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly in Ottawa, Canada.
I don't understand what has happened with this humanity full of racist people, who dare to think that they have a superiority over others. To think that it is because of skin color, social status or sexual preference, or a uniquely uncomfortable experience, that brings someone to think that they have the power to label another human being, normal or not.
Of course, there are good and decent people in all social groups and members of society.
We should all be equal here on earth as we are in Heaven. Period! As a global community, we must interact with each other as a global family, to live and let live. No Hate,No Judgement and most importantly No Discrimination, if we
can't get past this, we will fail each
other and continue to destroy our
planet. This is not an option !!
There are already enough people that want to destroy the World, don't make it easy for them. We are going to have to turn resentment into compassion and inclusion if we are to solve this crisis...
Our hearts must teach our eyes to see and our brain to think !!
With all the love i possess, I pray
that each and everyone of us finds the strength and courage to reach out to
one another for the cause of unity,
that we so desperately seek as a society...
A Tribute to our Lord "Jesus of Nazareth" (miniseries) British-Italian television miniseries .
Extra-Biblical traditions were used in the writing of the screenplay, and some characters (such as Zerah) and situations were invented for the film for brevity or dramatic purposes. Jesus of Nazareth depicts Judas Iscariot as a well-intentioned man initially, but later as a dupe of Zerah's who betrays Jesus largely as a result of Zerah's false platitudes and pretexts. However, in accordance with the Gospels, the film depicts Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea as sympathetic members of the Sanhedrin. Many of the miracles of Jesus, such as the changing of water into wine at the wedding at Cana, the transfiguration, and the calming of the storm, are not depicted, although Jesus' healing of Jairus' daughter, the blind man and the crippled woman on the Sabbath, the feeding of the multitude, and the raising of Lazarus from the dead are presented here.
Moderators around the world that respect the business of journalism should be Neutral and Objetive and the best observers.
Freedom of Expresion - Freedom of Press (Local, National, & International- Digital or printed - Small or Huge Equals, "DEMOCRACY"
by Mariana DAngelo CEO & Founder The Global News Today / Pablo J Marin : International Executive Director . From Europe
(INFOBAE) -Josep María Bartomeu announced on the BarçaTV signal the hiring of Ronald Koeman as Barcelona's new coach to replace Quique Setién. Beyond the confirmation as DT of the mythical former Dutch defender, who comes from directing his country's team, the president left several definitions about the restructuring he plans in the football area, which lives turbulent moments after the 2-8 against him Bayern Munich that left the culé cast without Champions League or titles in the season.
One of the changes already reported was the departure of Éric Abidal, who had had friction with the referents, from the technical secretariat. From now on the office will be directed by Ramón Planes, who was his number 2. Decisions from now on will be agreed with the new coach ”, he warned.
The future of Lionel Messi was one of the most anticipated points of his statements. The 33-year-old captain has a valid relationship until June 30, 2021 and the negotiations behind the renewal are on hold. In the middle, rumors of a possible exit raged, with Inter and Manchester City as the most likely destinations.
“Messi is still the best player in the world. It is number 1 and we have it. And every project that is done is done thinking about that and growing its qualities. In the new project Koeman has Messi, "he said, underlining that the next squad thinks with the Argentine as a standard, something that he claimed to have talked to the Dutchman. "I have spoken with Koeman and he has told me that Messi is the pillar of his project," he added.
“Messi has a contract at Barça until 2021, he knows it and we all know it. I speak regularly with Messi and especially with his father. There is a project, a new coach will arrive and count on him. Messi wants to finish his career at Barcelona, he has said it many times, ”he said. It is worth clarifying that since the coup against Bayern Munich the Flea has not yet expressed itself publicly. In the last hours, in addition, La Gazzetta dello Sport published that Bartomeu would be willing to open the exit door to the Argentine under one condition: that he publicly say that his desire is to change the air.
Lionel Messi is now free to go where is wishes. The "BARCA" let´s him go.
Source INFOBAE) -
“I spoke with Jorge Messi and with other agents. He told me what we all know, that there is a strong disappointment. The disappointment is correct, we have to do this duel, but since Sunday we are preparing for next season. Holidays, clear the head and start the season with all the strength ”, revealed part of his dialogue with the father of the fantasist. "There is no end of the cycle, because a new cycle would be without Messi, and Messi will continue. Messi is creating an era, the Messi era. And within the Messi era there are several cycles and now another begins ”, he emphasized.
The renewal of Ter Stegen
"I am optimistic. Today they have operated on him and he is a professional. He is a great person. His renewal was stopped because he said it was not the time for the pandemic but Ter Stegen will continue for many years at Barcelona.
The huge outlays by Griezmann, Dembelé and Coutinho
“If there is any investment that has not gone well it is evident. Dembélé has been injured a lot. Coutinho had to be yielded because he did not have the lace. I would not put Griezmann in this package. You have to help the player recover or give him a way out ”.
The chance to incorporate Lautaro Martínez
"Before restarting the League we spoke with Inter, but we stopped the negotiations a few weeks ago because the competitions were returning. They have the Europa League that they are playing and we will wait to see how the coach and the technical secretariat plan the future ”.
Is Neymar impossible?
“Going for a player when the club he is in doesn't want to sell him is impossible. Last summer we tried. He is a player that with the pandemic situation his club does not put it up for sale ”
The players who can go
“With the Champions League, an evolution is needed, with players who have already fulfilled and have to leave and players who will arrive. The club is in a good institutional, social and economic situation but in a sporting crisis. I don't want to speak ill of anyone. I want to praise the figure of the players who have made us the best club in the world. I congratulate you and now is the time to begin to dismiss some of these players with all honors. The renovation will be as deep as necessary for the new project to be successful ”.
“Each player is a decision and an individual talk. The options are open and the solutions are all on the table. Some have already been discussed and others will be discussed when consensus is reached with the technical secretary and the coach. All options are open ”
Who are non-transferable?
"Leo Messi and many other players. Messi is the best player in history but there are other non-transferable ones. There are many young players. Ter Stegen, Lenglet, De Jong, Semedo, Dembélé, Griezmann. They are players that we count on a lot and who have come to spend many years at Barça ”.
Latest NASA News Releases
Data sent to Earth by NASA’s Perseverance rover after its first attempt to collect a rock sample on Mars and seal it in a sample tube indicate that no rock was collected during the initial sampling activity. The rover carries 43 titanium sample tubes, and is exploring Jezero Crater, where it will be gathering samples of rock and regolith (broken rock and dust) for future analysis on Earth. “While this is not the ‘hole-in-one’ we hoped for, there is always risk with breaking new ground,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. “I’m confident we have the right team working on this, and we will persevere toward a solution to ensure future success.” Perseverance’s Sampling and Caching System uses a hollow coring bit and a percussive drill at the end of its 7-foot-long (2-meter-long) robotic arm to extract samples. Telemetry from the rover indicates that during its first coring attempt, the drill and bit were engaged as planned, and post-coring the sample tube was processed as intended. “The sampling process is autonomous from beginning to end,” said Jessica Samuels, the surface mission manager for Perseverance at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “One of the steps that occurs after placing a probe into the collection tube is to measure the volume of the sample. The probe did not encounter the expected resistance that would be there if a sample were inside the tube.” The Perseverance mission is assembling a response team to analyze the data. One early step will be to use the WATSON (Wide Angle Topographic Sensor for Operations and eNgineering) imager – located at the end of the robotic arm – to take close-up pictures of the borehole. Once the team has a better understanding of what happened, it will be able to ascertain when to schedule the next sample collection attempt. “The initial thinking is that the empty tube is more likely a result of the rock target not reacting the way we expected during coring, and less likely a hardware issue with the Sampling and Caching System,” said Jennifer Trosper, project manager for Perseverance at JPL. “Over the next few days, the team will be spending more time analyzing the data we have, and also acquiring some additional diagnostic data to support understanding the root cause for the empty tube.” Previous NASA missions on Mars have also encountered surprising rock and regolith properties during sample collection and other activities. In 2008, the Phoenix mission sampled soil that was "sticky" and difficult to move into onboard science instruments, resulting in multiple tries before achieving success. Curiosity has drilled into rocks that turned out to be harder and more brittle than expected. Most recently, the heat probe on the InSight lander, known as the “mole,” was unable to penetrate the Martian surface as planned. “I have been on every Mars rover mission since the beginning, and this planet is always teaching us what we don’t know about it,” said Trosper. “One thing I’ve found is, it’s not unusual to have complications during complex, first-time activities.”Researched by Mariana DAngelo from Europe & England (DAngelo Group EU)
Children & COVID 19
Why did Mr. Rayshard Brooks die? RIP
This World has become a living Hell. Please, Enough Violence, Racism, Discrimination and Hate. The question that torments me today is, why did Mr. Brooks have to die? RIP / What happened to the Atlanta Georgia cops = What Happened in the Minds of Officers Garrett Rolfe and David Browsan ?. Did they forget about George Floyd's death?
I will forever wonder. Why did they make that decision to shoot a man who was running away from them? Was this implanted? Why so many shots at a man who is so close? Who is in charge of these states where this seems to happen repetitively? Why leave children without a father, to a state without another one of its black citizens on our planet that does not want to see a black, nor brown, nor yellow man die at the hands of the police?. And now Atlanta City is left, 2 police officers short, who are desperately needed to fight the real continuous criminals, that will move on down the road without brakes. These times of chaos and total confusion throughout the Globe is just one more category that must be placed under a microscope. Because of the on-going high tention of America in many categories, for one the virus is still taking lives. It dosen't need any competition. My soul cries for another death that could have been avoided.. May Peace find the family and freiends of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta Georgia. I cannot believe that there is so much recklessness, discrimination and
hatred around this beautiful planet created by God. All his children (We) should be loving each other instead of hating and killing each other.Please stop the Judgement and
Violence now, on all our faces.
"We shouldn'y have to be blind to solve this crisis" !!"My sincere condolences to the entire Brooks Family" Wow, do we need to pray!! God Bless us all.
God Bless us all!. By Mariana DAngelo theglobalnewstoday.com en English /
En Español Newspaper América / Periodico AMERICA Newspaper by Mariana DAngelo
I am Mariana DAngelo Global Editor and Founder The Global News Today
El mundo necesita leyes para proteger a la comunidad LGBTQ. Igualdad para todos. Todos los derechos.
Le monde a besoin de lois pour protéger la communauté LGBTQ. Maintenant - l'égalité pour tous.
Dünyanın LGBTQ topluluğunu korumak için yasalara ihtiyacı var. Şimdi- Herkes için eşitlik.
Il mondo ha bisogno di leggi per proteggere la comunità LGBTQ. Ora - Uguaglianza per tutti.
Die Welt braucht Gesetze zum Schutz der LGBTQ-Gemeinschaft. Jetzt - Gleichheit für alle.
O mundo precisa de leis para proteger a comunidade LGBTQ. Agora, igualdade para todos.
ANALYZED by MarianaDAngelo (In English and Spanish everyday here at theglobalnewstoday.com / Please Stop Discrimination Now. Our Twitter Account @theglobalnewss with more than 3.5M impressions was terminated. Why Twitter Inc?. Do China or Canada Ordered? or is me promoting the best of the president Donald Trump."Freedom of Expression is one of the greatest treasures of modern democracy, by Mariana DAngelo . I am an Entrepreneur!. I hope that my efforts create Job opportunities in America, Europe and around the World. (Mariana DAngelo. CEO and Founder USA & Europe ) Instagram,New accounts @marianadangeloceo @theglobalnewstoday @periodicoamericanewspaper @americabymarianadangelo by Mariana DAngelo
I don't understand what has happened with our humanity full of discrimination and hate, who dare to think that they have a superiority over others. To think that because of sexual preference, or way of life some political leaders in some countries will control or deny the rights of any group or community in their #society. The LGBTQI community deserves any of the human rights that every one else has. A respectful and cordial greeting in the street as well as labor rights, health and Identity, Housing, Social Benefits and equal treatment. Our LGBTQ #neighbors live and breath like every one else . What a diabolical arrogance for some to believe that they are better than others. We are all human beings. There is enough crisis in the world to last a lifetime. Just LIve and let #Live. This will make it easier on all of us, and hopefully bring us closer together which is desperately needed for a smoother operating society !!.
LOVE IS LOVE ... I LOVE PEOPLE STRAIGHT OR GAY , BLACK & WHITE, SHORT OR TALL... Because they are like me... God´s Children and we all are beautiful human being
Happy Pride life to all the brave citizen of LGBTQI
The Globa lNews Today by, Mariana DAngelo and our four new accounts on Instagram @theglobalnewstoday @marianadangeloceo
CONGRESS by Mariana DAngelo / A tribute to the political leaders of Spain
Mariana DAngelo Editorial Group LLC / USA by Mariana DAngelo CEO
Beyoncé has highlighted the disproportionately high death rates from coronavirus among black communities in the US.a special broadcast of music, comedy and personal stories celebrating key workers around the world, the singer said 'this virus is killing black people at an alarming rate in America' and urged viewers to proctect
themselves. by Mariana
DAngelo Editorial Group By Mariana DAngelo - Madrid - Spain London - England March 2020
I was in love with this legend of Country music all of my life even as he was 40 years older than me. RIP Kenny ... Thank you for your music, and your positive influence in my life.Now your will be singing from the heavens,. My heart goes out to the family of Mr Kenny Rogers´s and all the millions of his fans around the world. Farewell to Kenny Roger . The best country singer of all times! Mariana
DAngelo Editorial Group By Mariana DAngelo - Madrid - Spain London - England March 2020
New York - New York USA : Coronavirus: WHAT'S HAPPENING NEWYORK ?, PLEASE STAY INSIDE ... THIS IS NOT A GLOBAL PARTY, IT IS A GLOBAL PANDEMIC. PLEASE SAVE YOUR LIFE AND THE LIVES OF OTHERS.. My heart, thoughts and prayers go to my beloved New York state. God bless everyone around the #World ... Our hearts are the best temples. Take care of yourselves and please stay home By Mariana DAngelo theglobalnewstoday.com ... CEO and Founder theglobalnewstoday.com Facebook -Likedin - Instagram :
The Global News Today by Mariana DAngelo / Instagram personal Account @marianadangeloceo from Spain- London .Europe
Freedom of Expression is one of the greatest treasures of modern democracy, but that freedom also has obligations and responsibilities, just as the line of freedom of expression must be carefully guarded, so as not to cross the line towards abuse. and the irresponsible exploitation of it. Abusing this precious treasure of democracy is also an irresponsible act to all those who have died in the midst of their tireless battles to try that we were able to enjoy it today in some countries of this planet.
Freedom of Expression is without question and in a tacit way one of the most important bulwarks that each nation in the world has to possess in order to claim as a model of DEMOCRACY before the rest of the World. Freedom of Expression is the dignity of human rights and without it it is impossible for there to be an authentic DEMOCRACY. Using this privilege, which is to freely possess the right to freedom of expression in any nation, to harm another citizen voluntarily or involuntarily is simply a Social Crime that should cost the guilty economic sanctions that would help them understand. by Mariana DAngelo CEO and Founder theglobalnewstoday.com
Austria holds 18 seats in the European Parlia- ment, while it held the revolving presidency of the Council of the EU twice, once in 1998 and in 2006. Austria is also a member of the Schengen Area since December 1, 2007.
Small, landlocked Austria offers alpine scenery, world-class museums, cobbled quaintness, and Wiener schnitzel. Unlike Germany, its industrious neighbor to the northwest, Austria is content to bask in its good living and elegant,opulent past as the former head of one of Europe's grandest empires. Austrians tend to be relaxed, gregarious people who love the outdoors as much as a good cup of coffee in a café. By Mariana DAngelo
Read more at Facebook : The Global News Today / Instagram / Linkedin by Mariana DAngelo Editorial Group LLC
Analyzed by Mariana DAngelo
I don't understand what has happened with our humanity full of discrimination and hate, who dare to think that they have a superiority over others. To think that because of sexual preference, or way of life some political leaders in some countries will control or deny the rights of any group or community in their society. The LGBTQI community deserves any of the human rights that every one else has. A respectful and cordial greeting in the street as well as labor rights, health and Identity, Housing, Social Benefits and equal treatment. Our LGBTQI neighbors live and breath like every one else . What a diabolical arrogance for some to believe that they are better than others. We are all human beings. There is enough crisis in the world to last a lifetime. Just LIve and let Live. This will make it easier on all of us, and hopefully bring us closer together which is desperately needed for a smoother operating society !!.
By Mariana DAngelo
Mariana Dangelo Editorial Group USA - Europe
They are killing us all! ,,, It was the expression of a woman, In the midst of a bath of pain, that has unwelcomingly hugged countless numbers of women. When they last parted, a neighbor was killed in Spain by her partner. Dozens of women denounce the violent act of "Femicide", it is referred to in Spain as "Violence of MACHISMO", the ex-. President of Mother Spain: José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, joined the protest against this social crime that is unfortunately one of the most silent epidemics around the World. There are so many women of all ages from Girls to adult women, and trans women
This crime should not be given a moment to breath, and investigated immediately. it is also important to create a source of information so that all citizens on this planet or at least from nations that wish to protect women that are one of the most important and remarkable gifts of humanity. We must understand very carefully that there are many types of violence and that all must be rejected and abolished as it is within itself a serious epidemic of uncontrolled rage and hatred "MACHISTA" that will end up destroying our peace and future unity !!.
Stop the Violence. Stop the Abuse. Stop the Discrimination. Life is two Short and I ask you all, "Please Live and Let Live Peacefully"....
Written by, Mariana DAngelo / Facebook - Likedin : the Global News Today by Mariana DAngelo
Top`Global News Today by Mariana DAngelo; Lionel Messi wants to reissue his performances in Barcelona with the Argentina National Team for the Qatar 2022 Qualifiers. And the striker was taken into account by Lionel Scaloni for the first and second day of the Conmebol Qualifiers that will take place at the end March, although the coronavirus could well make it relegated. As well? It happens that as Lionel Messi works in Europe and Argentina, urgent measures are being taken to prevent the disease from spreading. The Ministry of Health of the Nation recommends that people who arrive from the Old Continent spend 14 days in quarantine because of the coronavirus.
Written by theglobalnewstoday.com by Mariana DAngelo United States of America
The coronavirus ‘against’ Messi: could not play the Qualifiers by quarantine when arriving from Europe
The Argentine health authorities recommend that those arriving from Europe be quarantined due to the coronavirus. The ‘albiceleste’ might not have it.
According to PharmaMar executives, they have been investigating the Coronavirus virus for more than 30 days. Confirmed for Spanish television.
PharmaMar confirms Aplidin's in vitro results in the fight against the coronavirus. The study has been carried out at the CSIC National Biotechnology Center by Dr. Luis Enjuanes, Dr. Isabel Solá and Dr. Sonia Zúñiga. The biotech company has requested authorization to begin testing with infected patients.This medicine is an antitumor for hematological cancer that Europe refused to authorize in 2017. It is currently authorized in Australia and in the approval phase in Taiwan, New Zealand or South Korea. Aplidin's in vitro results for coronavirus treatment are encouraging.
The results announced by PharmaMar confirm the hypothesis that its therapeutic target (EF1A), is key to the multiplication and spread of the virus.The research is based on the human coronavirus HCoV-229E. ... continue... down below
As research has shown, it has a multiplication and propagation mechanism very similar to Covid-19. From now on, the path of research is opened. Increase in Stock
prices. The authorization to confirm the next clinical phase has led to an escalation in the value of the shares on the stock market. Only the possibility of being the first medicine that can be incorporated as an effective drug to fight Covid-19 has multiplied the value of PharmaMar. PharmaMar is a Madrid-based biopharmaceutical company focused on oncology. They consider themselves committed to research and development inspired by the sea for the discovery of molecules with antitumor activity. It is a company that seeks innovative products to equip health professionals with new tools to treat cancer.
Femicide: the numbers in Europe
Regardless of the law, cases of femicide still fill the news in Europe: this worrying subjetc continues to arouser the interest of the media and international institutions, including
in South East Europe
LONDON, Jan. 2020 - The next James Bond will not be a woman, the film producer said in an interview, given an increase in speculation about who could replace Daniel Craig as the mythical 007. Maybe it could be played by a Black actor, Latino, or GAY "actor.Well that was just my humble Global opinion by PabloJ Marin / Mariana DAngelo Editorial Group LLC
The Global NewsToday by Mariana DAngelo
Source Reuters
Israeli education minister implies homosexuality is unnatural. Israel's Education Minister Rafi Peretz arrives to attend the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem. Several Israeli school districts held impromptu tolerance classes on Sunday after the country's education minister, an Orthodox rabbi, angered LGBT campaigners by implying homosexuality was unnatural.
Source : REUTERS /Ronen Zvulun/ File Photo
Mariana DAngelo
Please Stop all types of Discrimination,
Live and let Live. Let people be who they´re going to be. Everyone Should. I Love LGBTQ LGBTQ Stop Discrimination
Zakynthos (or Zante) is a Greek island. It is the third largest island in the Ionian Sea. It is in the south Ionian Swest of the Peloponnese
Known as "The Queen of Pop" for her unequivocal influence in the record industry in the 90's, alongside Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, Celine Dion is often regarded as one of pop music's most influential voices. Although she faced considerable criticism that her music is excessively sentimental, Celine Dion is a true pop legend. by Mariana Dangelo theglobalnewstoday
Since 1980s to the mid-1990s, there was no one better than Graf, and when she retired in 1999, she was still ranked number three in the world. Were it not for the long and storied career of Serena Williams the case would be made for Graf as the greatest of all-time. While many will continue to debate Steffi versus Serena as the greatest female player of all-time they were both incredible players who dominated their era and advanced women's tennis.
Two of the best tennis players of all time!
Ricky Martin finally feels free and out of any Closet. One of the most talented and prideful members of the Hispanic Music Industry in the World..
The World longs for the return of its disappeared!
The Planet misses its disappeared:
Enforced disappearances continue unabated in
every region of the world.
Africa: How Malawi
reduced infant mortality.
Find out more about Malawi!
A gay couple fulfills their dream in painful circumstances.
India: An eight-month-old baby girl has
been raped,
Africa: Why #MeToo isn't taking off in West Africa
Nigeria’s deadly codeine cough syrup epidemic
Spain- BarcelonaLionel Messi and Andrés Iniesta celebrated their last title together
UK: Cheltenham Festival tipping guide: Buveur D’Air has look of a champion
Australia cricket team:
Kagiso Rabada rips through Australia again but ban ends his series
Vicky Momberg: South African estate agent jailed for racist abuse
Stop Animal Abuse:
It's time to Rescue
the Best Friends of Men.
Malaysian artist jailed for mocking Prime Minister Razak
And the biggest event in Hollywood this year will be held on February 9 and everyone who loves the seventh art and its creators will be waiting for this delicacy by Mariana DAngelo
Global News
Double trouble: Sri Lanka's twin gathering marred by overcrowding
The greatest cinematographic honor in Spain "Goya 2020" will be celebrated this next Saturday 25 in the city of two of the greatest talents of Spanish Cinema at international level.
All the nominees are ready and the Goya 2020 goes ... by Mariana DAngelo
NAIROBI (Reuters) - The world’s richest 2,153 people controlled more money than the poorest 4.6 billion combined in 2019, while unpaid or underpaid work by women and girls adds three times more to the global economy each year than the technology industry, Oxfam said on Monday. The Nairobi-headquartered charity said in a report released ahead of the annual World Economic Forum of political and business leaders in Davos, Switzerland, that women around the world work 12.5 billion hours combined each day without pay or recognition. Source Reuters.
Will there be some rich and powerful who is interested in the work of an independent woman? by Mariana DAngelo
An international hotel chain has completed a two-year project to train half a million staff with the aim of spotting potential victims of trafficking..Marriott's workforce, in almost 7,000 hotels, have completed a process of mandatory training teaching them to look out for warning signs."Hotels can unfortunately be unwilling venues for this unconscionable crime," David Rodriguez, the hotel group's chief global human resources officer, said.
China: Ministry decries inclusion on 'notorious' list.
Australia: Racing's Inglis family on coping with the loss of their daughter Olivia
Why cancer strikes more women than men in India
The Global News Today
South America
The Global News Today
The Global News Today
The Global News Today
2020 — it’s when the world will see transformational changes in how technology impacts our lives. Here’s a look at the top technology trends that will influence us.AI is now part of everyday life, driven by the emergence of a device ecosystem including Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant. In 2020, emotion recognition and computer vision will scale and AI will have a breakout moment in manufacturing.2020 will see the need for higher performance from edge computing hardware since better sensors and larger AI models now enable a host of new applications. There is a growing need to infer more data and then make decisions without sending data to the cloud.We expect 2020 to begin the quantum computing era. As data increases, quantum computing will target the biggest problems in industry, such as health care and energy. In 2020, the ability to handle big data will be required for cancer treatment, nuclear energy control, and DNA analysis.Mankind will begin its return to space in 2020, largely driven by the private sector. Source VB . Researched by Mariana DAngelo Editorial Group LLC USA
Venezuela needs: Dialogue, Consensus and Immediate Help to achieve prosperity again.
Political leaders from all over the planet must support Venezuela in achieving that objective.
grapples with murdered
journalist's last story
China has lifted a ban on imports of Brazilian meat imposed over allegations that companies have been selling unsafe produce for years. Brazil's Agriculture Minister Blairo Maggi says the move follows a "giant effort" by officials to explain the investigation into tainted food. Chile and Egypt have also lifted their bans.
Europeans take to streets on Treaty of Rome anniversary; People in London, Rome, Berlin and other cities reflect as the EU marks 60 years since the Treaty of Rome was signed.; EU summit: Leaders stress unity on Rome anniversary.
The Syrian government and rebel groups have agreed a nationwide ceasefire from midnight (22:00 GMT) on Thursday December 29/12/2016;The deal was announced by Russia's President Vladimir Putin and confirmed by Turkey. The two nations, which back opposing sides, will act as guarantors The High Negotiations Committee (HNC), regarded by the UN as Syria's main opposition body, confirmed the deal, which excludes jihadist groups.If the truce holds, peace talks will be held in Kazakhstan within a month.
Yahya Jammeh first seized power in a coup in 1994; The Gambia's parliament has extended President Yahya Jammeh's term, which is due to end on Thursday following his defeat in elections, by 90 days; It also approved his decision to declare a 90-day state of emergency; Senegalese troops have reportedly moved towards The Gambian border ahead of possible intervention to force Mr Jammeh to hand power to President-elect Adama Barrow;