Spain´s PM Pedro Sanchez promises before and after the election, to unify all parties in the best in

#TheGlobalNewsToday By #MarianaDAngel #Ecuador #America #SouthAmerica. Great tension in #Quito Ecuador. President #LeninMoreno Moved the #Government out of the capital
#TheGlobalNewsToday By #MarianaDAngel #Turkey #Kurds abandon fight against Isil as #Turkey attacks with air power and #artillery deep into #Syria
#TheGlobalNewsToday By #MarianaDAngelo : #Spain´s #PM #PedroSanchez promises before and after the election, to unify all parties in the best interest of Spain and the future of the #country before the end of the year. @theglobalnew #LaMoncloa #Spain
By Mariana DAngelo EU Correspondent
Twitter: @theglobalnewss