Africa: Nigeria bomb blasts cause deaths at fish market

Three suicide bombers have hit the town of Konduga in north-east Nigeria, killing at least 18 people. Two attacked a fish market and a third struck nearby, security sources said. Boko Haram jihadists are being blamed for the blasts, though the group has yet to say it was behind them. Boko Haram has killed some 20,000 people and displaced more than two million since it began a campaign of violence to create an Islamic state in the north of the country in 2009. The bombers struck on Friday evening in the town, which lies some 30km (18 miles) south-east of the Borno state capital, Maiduguri. Wider reports of the attack only emerged on Saturday. Some reports speak of 19 dead - 18 civilians and a soldier. At least 50 more were injured.

¿ Boko Haram continues to launch attacks in the face of claims by the authorities to have defeated the group. Boko Haram attacks in numbers - as lethal as ever The children who fled Boko Haram Who are Nigeria's Boko Haram Islamist group? Two women suicide bombers hit a village near Konduga last month. Dozens of Boko Haram members have been convicted in trials held in secret. One of the group's most notorious operations was the kidnap of more than 270 girls from a school in the north-east town of Chibok in 2014. Research done and written by Mariana DAngelo & Pablo Marin Newspaper America Newspaper By Mariana DAngelo The Global News Today By Mariana DAngelo People who bet on all People around the Globe! Research done and written by Mariana DAngelo & Pablo Marin Newspaper America Newspaper By Mariana DAngelo The Global News Today By Mariana DAngelo People who bet on all People around the Globe! #Africa #EU #WorldNews #Nigeria #Bomb #Deaths #Lifes #UN