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An strong earthquake was felt the morning of this Wednesday, August 30 in Caracas- Venezuela,"T

An earthquake of magnitude 4.5 was felt the morning of this Wednesday, August 30 in Caracas, so reported Funvisis from his Twitter account. "The tremor occurred at 10:01 am to 9 kilometers north of Caracas and 22 kilometers north of Naiguatá," they said. The Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace, Néstor Reverol reported that no damages have been reported so far. "In these cases, we normally expect replications, so we are activated with the national system of prevention and emergency and disaster care, and have complied with the protocols required in these cases." He called on Venezuelans to take preventive measures and remain calm. Users in social networks expressed "just trembled in Caracas." In La Candelaria he felt clearly, "said Victor Maldonado C. Fran Monroy Moret indicated "a strong tremor in Caracas right now .... Things are falling in my apartment." Norberto Mazza emphasized that "the tremor that shook parts of Caracas was very strong and generated panic. There are unofficial reports of intensity of 4.5. There would be no victims." Reported by our international correspondent from Caracas- Venezuela

Besides the great political, social and economic earthquake that crosses Venezuela; This morning the beautiful Venezuelan capital was shaken by a strong seismic movement that caused great alarm to the entire Venezuelan capital and beyond, especially in the coastal area at the Simon Bolivar International Airport, which is very close to the Venezuelan capital. Thanks to God so far the Venezuelan authorities have not reported any victims of this natural event. They have only alerted the citizens to expect small tremors movements as a result of the first one of scale 4.5 occurred in the middle of this morning .. Reported by our Global News international correspondent from Caracas; Serving everyone on the Globe! Read more Global News at: "A Human Vision to Every Global News in our Universe" Mariana DAngelo Editorial Group (Mexico & Spain)


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Mariana DAngelo

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