The FBI found new emails "pertinent" to investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of pr

Hillary Clinton has addressed the FBI story as she speaks to supporters in Kent, Ohio.
“It was a mistake and I regret it,” she said, referring to her private email arrangement while secretary of state.
“They (the FBI) should look at them (Huma’s emails) and I’m sure they’ll reach the same conclusion they did when they looked at my emails for the past year. There is no case here.”
The FBI found new emails "pertinent" to investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of private email as secretary of state
Republican Donald Trump has called the find the email "motherlode"
In July, the FBI investigation had ended with Clinton cleared of any criminality
It is unclear how this new development will affect the race
Trump had showed signs of catching up before latest twist-
Pablo Marin - The Mariana DAngelo Editoril Group