13 HEALTHY HABITS PEOPLE DO EVERY DAY. Activities that will leave you every day healthier, younger a

"Your body always in motion". Brought to you courtesy of the international discount card "People VIp". The last thing you want to do is add more to-do’s to your day—we know. You’re busy. But guess what? So are the fittest, healthiest, and most successful among us who still make time for habits that prime them for, well, more health, happiness, and success.
1-By Now you probably know that sitting can kill you and That´s because humans were made to move- not stay still. The problem is that we are moving less and less. But the most successful among us know that movement isn´t just the key to better physical health, it also boost your brainpower. Exercising just 30 minutes each day is the single greatest thing you can do for overall health.
2- Ah Power of sex From fixing an migraine and reducing stress and anxiety to boosting your mood and even lowering blood pressure. So get your husband or Wife and Enjoy Sex.
3- It is important for everyone to connect to Mother Nature, so every day you must go outside and have any type of activity with Mother Nature, whether rains or a sunny day. We must connect with nature.
4- Water is the key of a Healthy day. Even mild dehydration-.Losing just 1.5 percent of your normal water volume- can alter your mood. So you must drink a least 8 glasses of pure water every single day.
5-Most healthy people not only exercise every day, but they make sure they get the right amount of sleep every single day. So watch out for your sleeping time.
6- We must call our buddies from college to get together- and make it a habit. Research shows that the bigger your social circle, the longer you will live and the healthier your life will be.
7-Streching your body from head to toe, it helps maintain flexibility in every muscle of your body, provides longevity to the join, and flushes the muscles out, clearing all types of congestion out of your body. Stretch yourself to a healthy new you.
8- We must all learn something new every single day. Learn new languages, or learn a new dish to cook, or even different words in different languages.
9- If you are looking for a lower blood pressure naturally?. You must learn to meditate or pray every single day. Research shows that people than pray and meditate for a least 25 minutes each day deal better with their stress, anxiety and even physical pain.
10-People must train outside the Gym. Whatever you do , from carrying a package and lifting a box to vacuuming and doing yard work, take the time to be conscious with your movements in addition to using the correct form and technique. Learn how to move more efficiently without rushing – will not only make you strong but will prevent injuries.
11-We must do bodyweight exercise. Being able to move and control your body weight is a big time indicator of health. Research shows that the easier it is for you to pick up yourself off the ground using your own weight, the longer your life will be.
12- Eat a lot of different Color: five serving it is perfect when it comes to fruits and vegetables. But star small- do not beat yourself up over it.
13-ling is a human’s most valuable gesture if used correctly,” Weiss says, “Smiling stimulates our brain in a way that even chocolate, sex, or a well-regarded pleasure-inducer cannot match.” In fact, happy people smile 40 to 50 times a day, he says, noting that the average person only does so 20 times. Better yet? You can fake it till you make it: Simply smiling even if you're not really feeling it can initiate and perpetuate a good mood and good chemistry naturally, he says.