Obama urges 'signals of unity' from Trump
Trump election: 'Nobody said democracy's supposed to be easy, iPresident Barack Obama has urged Donald Trump to send "some signals of...

Trump and Putin 'will try to mend ties', Kremlin says.
Donald Trump praised Vladimir Putin during the election campaign / US President-elect Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin...

Teary Hillary Clinton on US election defeat: 'This is painful and will be for a long time'.
HILLARY Clinton has made an emotional first speech since losing to Donald Trump in the 2016 US election, apologising for losing and...

USA: Clinton & Trump US election 2016: America's date with destiny. Clinton and trump in its
This long, bruising campaign is drawing to a close. America is holding its breath as to what follows. The political divide is deep. A...

The Venezuelan opposition gave a time frame to President Nicolas Maduro until the next Nov 11 to me
The Venezuelan opposition pressed with time limit to dialog for peace with the government of Nicolas Maduro, also requires that the...

USA: Candidates on attack as race tightens. Let´s see the role of minority voters in the 2016 electi
The 2012 presidential election was the first in American history in which black voter turnout exceeded that of whites, with minority...

Europe: Brexit: Ministers vow to fight Article 50 court ruling.
Brexit challenger Gina Miller: "This result is about all our futures" The government has said it will fight a High Court ruling that...

USA: Iowa police killings: Man charged with officers' murders,
Authorities in the US state of Iowa have charged a man with two counts of first-degree murder in the ambush-style killings of two police...

Nicolas Maduro kindled yesterday in Caracas-Venezuela the lights of a New Christmas full of hope and
Venezuelan´s political leaders are in their way to genuine dialog for the peace and prosperity of the Nation. The Cross of the Avila was...

Mosul battle: Iraqi troops secure foothold in eastern outskirts.
Iraqi forces are securing their foothold in the city of Mosul, moving from house to house to clear areas of Islamic State (IS)...